우유니 소금호텔에서 at the Salt hotel
우유니 염전 Salt-Mining Area
an area where salt is dug from the plane into piles weighing a ton each,
and left to dry in the sun before transport to a refinery then to your table.
전부다 소금바다이니 그냥 긁어모으면 염전이 된다.ㅎ
소금 결정체들..
끝없이 펼쳐진 이곳 바닥이 전부다 이렇게 소금이라니..
소금호텔 Salt Hotel (3653m, 20.331 S, 67.047 W)
The Salt Hotel is exactly what it sounds like.
It is a hotel made of salt bricks, with salt tables and chairs and salt beds.
The ceiling however seemed to be made of cardboard.
Salt is bloody heavy I found out when lifting a block that weighed probably ten kilos
내가 갔을때만 한국 국기가 없었는데, 얼마뒤 여행사진을 보니 태극기가 꽂혀있었다는
역시 한국사람들 일본한테 질수는 없지..ㅋ
뒤에 다른 여행객이 찍은 우유니의 깃발 사진
태극기가 보인다.
This pic is taken not by me but one of the travelers visitinig the salt hotel in Uyuni salt flat after my trip,
so the Korean flag 'Taegukgi' can be seen.
When I got there, Only the Japanese flag 'Rising Sun' could I see. What happened?
소금호텔 내부