
중국산동태안 '대묘' 中国山东泰安岱庙

Eden Choi 2008. 9. 30. 04:22




대묘 岱庙 Dai Miao 中国山东泰安





태산입구에 가까워오자 여러가지 오래된 건물들이 많다..

난 이게 대묘입구인줄 알았는데, 길가는 사람에게 물어보니 아니란다..

아니 얼마나 더 걸어야 하는가..

지도를 보니 그리 멀지 않은 것 같아 시내 구경도 할 겸 태산역에서 이곳까지 걸었는데..만만치 않다.


대묘 岱庙

드디어 찾았다. 여기가 대묘로 들어가는 입구이다.



대묘방 岱庙坊



대묘는 태산에서 하늘에 제사를 지냈다는 대목에서 비롯하여,

태산 초입에 이렇게 엄청난 제단을 쌓아 만든, 중국 역대 황제들이 하늘에 봉선의식을 거행하던 곳이다.


대묘의 첫번째 정문인 정양문 正阳门





오악독종비 五岳独宗碑(正面)


오악독종五岳独宗은 중국의 5대명산인 오악중에 태산이 최고라는 뜻이다.



송천황전 宋天贶殿

이곳은 대묘의 정전으로, 북경의 태화전(太和殿), 곡부(曲阜)의 대성전(大成殿)과 함께 중국 3대 건축물 중 하나라고 한다.












대묘를 이렇게 지나오면, 저 멀리 태산이 그 웅장한 모습을 드러내고 있다.




Located to the north of Tai'an City, the Dai Temple is the largest and most completed ancient building complex of Mount Taishan. It used to be the venue where emperors of the past dynasties held celebrations to worship heaven and earth and bestowed sacrifices to the God of the mountain. And it was also the first stop for the pilgrims on their way to the holy Mount Taishan.

According to historical records, the original temple was first built during the Qin Dynasty (211BC ~ 206BC). Since the Han Dynasty (206BC ~ 220AD), people replicated the imperial palace to construct it. Several dynasties later pavilions, old cypresses and steles to the decoration were added, bringing the modern Dai Temple to what it is today.

Most of the present attractions inside the temple were left over from the Han Dynasty. Seen from a distance, a feel of grandiosity and magnificence appears in your mind. Take a closer view and you will feel astonished by its stateliness. It is the symbol of the Chinese feudality. Standing at the entrance to the temple, Yaocan Pavilion and the Archway of the Dai Temple will appear before your eyes first. Its grand framework and elaborate engravings impress tourists deeply and entice them to visit the temple. Entering it, there are many gateways and palaces, colorful and brilliant. Among them, the most conspicuous is the Hall of Celestial Gifts built in 1009 AD. This was during the Northern Song Dynasty, and one of the three palace-style architectures in China. Inside the hall, there is a portrait of God, 4.4 m high, set in the middle. Around the walls of the east, west and north, an enormous mural 3 meters high and 62 meters long named "the God of Mountain Tai on an inspection tour" pictures the wonderful and grand scene of the inspection tour itself. Old cypress trees in the courtyard are very valuable. Five of them were planted by Emperor Wudi himself, from the Han Dynasty, and have lived for 2,000 years. Behind the temple is a bonsai garden. Different kinds of bonsais are offered for tourists' viewing pleasure.

Another attraction is the Bronze Pavilion. Lying in the northeast corner of the temple, the pavilion is made of bronze castings. Intricate workmanship makes it highly valuable, thus gaining its reputation as one of the famous bronze pavilions in China.

Admission Fee : CNY 20