
명13릉 배치도 Ming 13 Tombs

Eden Choi 2005. 10. 29. 01:06


명 13 릉 배치도입니다.
이중 현재까지 발굴된 곳은 1번 장릉과 10번 정릉입니다.
아쉽게도 제가 여행했을 때는 정릉 지하궁전은 수리중으로 입장이 안되어서
명나라 제 3 대 황제 영락제의 무덤인 장릉만 보고 왔습니다.


1. 洪武帝:효릉(남경)
2. 建文帝:능묘없음.
3. 永樂帝:장릉(북경 13릉)
4. 洪熙帝:헌릉
5. 宣德帝:景릉
6. 天順帝:유릉
7. 景泰帝:경태제릉(북경 금산소재)
8. 成化帝:무릉
9. 弘治帝:태릉
10. 正德帝:강릉
11. 嘉靖帝:영릉
12. 隆慶帝:소릉
13. 萬曆帝:정릉
14. 泰昌帝:慶릉
15. 天啓帝:덕릉
16. 崇禎帝:사릉
명나라 총 16명의 황제중 13명이 명13릉에 묻혀있습니다.
이 중 1대 주원장은 당시 수도였던 남경에 묻혀있으며,
2대는 3대 영락제에게 �겨났기 때문에 능이 없다고 하며,
7대 경태제는 정통성 시비 문제로 딴곳에 묻혔다고 하네요.


위 배치도는 13릉중 발굴이 된, 명나라 제 13대 황제 만력제의 능인 정릉입니다.


만력제의 비석입니다.
보시다시피 아무런 글자가 없습니다.
자신의 공덕이 비석에 새기지 못할 만큼 높다하여
따로 문구를 새기지 않았으나,
사치와 방탕을 일삼은 황제였으므로
오히려 공덕을 하나도 적을게 없어서
텅 비었다고도 하네요..


The Ming Dynasty Tombs (Chinese: 明朝十三陵; pinyin: Míng cháo shí sān líng; lit. Thirteen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty) are located some 50 kilometers due North of Beijing at an especially selected site. The site was chosen by the third Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle (1402 - 1424), who moved the capital of China from Nanjing to the present location of Beijing. He is credited with envisioning the layout of the ancient city of Beijing as well as a number of landmarks and monuments located therein. After the construction of the Imperial Palace (the Forbidden City) in 1420, the Yongle Emperor selected his burial site and creating his own mausoleum.
From the Yongle Emperor onwards, 13 Ming Dynasty Emperors were buried in this area. The tombs of the first two Ming Emperors are located near Nanjing (the capital city during their reigns). Emperor Jingtai was also not buried here as the Emperor Tianshun had denied Jingtai an imperial burial but was instead buried west of Beijing. The last Chongzhen Emperor who hung himself in April, 1644 was the last to be buried here, named Si Ling by the Qing emperor but on a much smaller scale than his predecessors.
During the Ming dynasty, the tombs were off limits to commoners but in 1644 Li Zicheng's army ransacked and set many of the tombs on fire before advancing and capturing Beijing in April of that year.

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