
상해 외탄거리 Shanghai Bund

Eden Choi 2005. 10. 29. 01:41


The Bund is a section of riverfront along the Huangpu River in Shanghai, which, until the early 1800s, was undeveloped. The British set up their consulate and other buildings there after the Opium War. In the early 1900s, the Bund sprouted up with buildings designed by architects from Britain, France, China, America, Russia, Japan, and others, including Jews from various countries. The Bund is a record of architecture of the times from around the world, and many of its buildings were the best, in Asia, for their time.





서구 열강의 식민지 정책으로 상하이는 일찍 외국문물에 개방되어, 이 곳 외탄거리에는 100년 이상된 서양식 건물이 즐비하다.

Shanghai is like Tokyo on speed; whilst Tokyo is very polite and ordered, Shanghai is raw and very full on. The driving, especially cabs drivers, are nerve-racking and very funny - you haven't seen so much horn abuse anywhere; everyone seems to have a hair trigger behind the wheel.

The cityscape is very impressive and futuristic and at night the skyline is all lit up with neon and giant advertising screens like the ones you see in Times Square or Japan. Along the Bund, looking out across the river to the famous TV Tower in Pudong is particularly cool and then at 10.30pm all the lights get turned off to save power and everyone seems to take that as a cue to go home or move on to bars and clubs in the other districts. The French concession seems to be the place to hang out and there were some lovely bars and clubs down there. Thankfully, the old heart of the city seems to be getting preserved, too, although a lot of the older districts are still being bulldozed to make way for more corporate headquarters.


상하이 TV 타워 동방명주 东方明珠电视塔 Shanghai's Oriental Pearl  TV Tower


The construction in Pudong only began in earnest in the mid-1990s.

On the right is the tip of Huangpu Park and the recent Shanghai Monument to Heros.


The base of the tower consists of a lobby, a shopping mall and science "fantasy city". The second level basement is occupied by various public and physical plant facilities. The five spheres are designed as a "space hotel" and arranged like a cluster of beads. The observation deck is on the first upper level, at a height of 250-295 meters and a diameter of 45 meters. This observation floor and entertainment area is reserved for special parties and distinguished guests. The antenna extends yet another 118 meters above the building. It transmits TV programs from nine different channels and radio programs from ten FM stations.

At the ground floor, the Pearl Tower boasts a magnificent lobby, a sleek elevator zone and an extensive shopping mall. The lower sphere, at 50 meters in diameter, is a self-contained amusement park, with attractions and rides such as a trip through the universe, a tour through space, a time tunnel, and an observation corridor.

The Oriental Pearl Tower has already become one of the symbolic buildings in Shanghai, which satisfies every need of visitors and patrons, including tourism, dining, shopping, entertainment, boarding and Audio & Video Broadcasting. It is also honored as one of the ten best views in Shanghai.



CNY$50 (for the upper sphere), CNY$100 (for the space module)

Opening Time



Public bus: No. 82

Tunnel no.: 1,3,4,5,96



동방명주를 배경으로 상열이랑..



 상하이의 야경.. Shanghai Bund at night. 





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