
부에노스아이레스 여행 티그레 Tigre

Eden Choi 2008. 3. 11. 00:43


부에노스아이레스 여행







티그레는 부에노스 아이레스에서 32km 떨어진 마을이다.

부에노스 아이레스가 있기 전 초기 유럽인들의 정착지로서 파라나강 삼각주에 위치하고 있다.

이 곳까지는 열차가 운행하고 있어서 어렵지 않게 찾아갈 수 있었다.

부두에 도착하니 여러 보트 투어가 있어서 혼자서 신청해 봤다.

참고로 티그레(Tigre)는 스페인어로 '호랑이'라는 뜻인데, 아메리카 대륙에는 호랑이는 없다고 알고 있어서 어떤 연관이 있을까 궁금했다.

가이드북을 보니 초기 재규어 사냥꾼의 이야기에서 유래되었다고 한다.







The city of Tigre is only 18 miles north of the Buenos Aires, there is an extraordinary ecological zone: the Parana River Delta. You can get there by taking the picturesque Tren de la Costa(Riverside Train), whose path along Rio de la Plata coast will allow you to see luxurious residences and a lovely coastline. After stopping at San Isidro station to visit its attractive shopping centre, you can continue on the same train to Tigre where you will navigate small rivers and channels enjoying nature in all its splendor.


This spot in the North of the Province of Buenos Aires is undoubtedly a piece of living history.
Colonization started here with the second foundation of Buenos Aires by Don Juan de Garay. A document dated 24th October, 1580 records the distribution of the land.
The name Tigre is derived from an old story of jaguar hunters. It is said that a couple of very famous and virtuous hunters used to live in the region.
With the vertiginous passing of time, these lands were populated by farmers who lived with their families upon the products they grew and harvested. In 1611, the Cabildo asked the for a report on land farming and appointed 15 farmers residing in the area to cultivate wheat, thus giving origin to the village, which grew and became established both socially and economically.
Today, the City of Tigre is a destination neither foreigners nor local people should miss.
But beyond all activities, its main attraction is the Fruit Market, a different, almost magical world.








여러가지 보트들이 있는데,

이곳 저곳 둘러보고 가장 빨리 출발하는, 그리고 가장 싼 투어를 신청했다.















어느덧 해가 지고 있다.

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