Asia/South Korea

부산 촌놈의 서울 나들이, 종묘와 창경궁

Eden Choi 2008. 8. 10. 03:43



멕시코와 남미 여행을 끝마치고 한국에 돌아왔다..

다시 직장으로 돌아가면, 이제 여행다니기 쉽지 않을테니,

일하기 전까지 남은 기간에 작년에 만난 친구도 볼 겸 태국에 가기로 했다.

근데 부산 출발 태국 왕복 비행기가 넘 비싸다..그래서,

캐나다에서 만난 서울 친구들도 볼 겸, 서울 구경도 할 겸, 서울 갔다가 인천에서 뱅기 타기로 맘묵었다..


청계천이닷..ㅋ..서울 사람들이야 이미 익숙하겠지만, 부산사는 나로서는

도대체 어떻게 해놨길래 그렇게 말이 많았는지 함 보고 싶었다.


이모집에서 머물다 서울 사는 아는 형집에서도 하룻밤 묵었는데..

전망 좋아서 사진 몇 장 찍었다..

솔직히 국회의사당을 직접 본 것이 처음이라면 믿을까..항상 뉴스에서만 봐서리..

서울서 한강 보이는데 살면 부자라던데..이 형 더욱 친하게 지내야할 듯..ㅋㅋ




종묘 Jongmyo

뭐..지난번 서울 갔을 때, 경복궁과 창덕궁은 둘러봤으니, 오늘은 종묘와 창덕궁을 둘러보기로 했다.

종묘의 정전이 너무 길어 내 고물 카메라에는 한번에 다 담지를 못한다..흑.

세월이 흘러 모실 왕들의 신위가 자꾸 늘어나다 보니, 증축을 거듭해서 지금과 같은 규모가 되었다고 한다.


Jongmyo is a Confucian shrine dedicated to the memorial services for the deceased kings and queens of the Korean Joseon Dynasty. According to UNESCO, the shrine is the oldest royal Confucian shrine preserved and the ritual ceremonies continue a tradition established since the 14th century. Such shrines existed during the Three Kingdoms of Korea period but only the shrines for the rulers of Joseon remain. The Jongmyo Shrine was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1995.


When it was built in 1394 by order of King Taejo, it was thought to be one of the longest buildings in Asia, if not the longest. The main hall, known as Jeongjeon, had seven rooms. Each room was reserved for a king and his queen. The complex was expanded by King Sejong who ordered the construction of Yeongnyeongjeon (Hall of Eternal Comfort). This practice of expansion continued, with the growth of the complex moving from west to east, because of the need to house more memorial tablets during the reigns of later kings until there were a total of nineteen rooms. However, during the Seven-Year War, Japanese invaders burned down the original shrine and a new complex was constructed in 1601 CE which has survived to this day. The original tablets were saved in the invasion by hiding them in the house of a commoner and also survive to this day. There are 19 memorial tablets of kings and 30 of their queens, placed in 19 chambers. Each room is very simple and plain in design. only two kings' memorial tablets are not enshrined here.

The current Jeongjeon is National treasure of Korea No. 227 and is the longest building in Korea of traditional design.

The south entrance gate was reserved for spirits to enter and exit, the east gate was for the king, and the west gate was for the performers of the royal ritual.

Viewed from the king's throne at Gyeongbokgung Palace, Jongmyo Shrine would have been on the king's left while the Sajik Shrine, another important Confucian shrine, was on the right. This arrangement was derived from Chinese practice. The main halls are surrounded by hills. In front of the main hall is the Woldae Courtyard, which is 150 meters in length and 100 meters in width.


English Contents taken from Wikipedia


사진출처 : 문화재청 종묘 


종묘에는 왼쪽 첫째 칸에 태조의 신위가 모셔져 있고, 다음으로 차례로

태종(3대), 세종(4대), 세조(7대), 성종(9대), 중종(11대), 선조(14대), 인조(16대), 효종(17대), 현종(18대),

숙종(19대), 영조(21대), 정조(22대), 순조(23대), 문조(추존), 헌종(24대), 철종(25대), 고종(26대), 순종(27대)과

각 왕의 비(妃)를 합쳐 모두 49위의 신위가 19감실에 모셔져 있다고 한다.

문득..그럼 중간에 빠진 왕들은 어디 있지???


종묘에는 영녕전이라는 별묘가 따로 지어져 있는데, 중앙정전 4칸에에 목조, 익조, 도조, 환조의 순으로,

왼쪽 서협실에는 정종(2대), 문종(5대), 단종(6대), 덕종(추존), 예종(8대), 인종(12대),

오른쪽 동협실에는 명종(13대), 원종(추존), 경종(20대), 진종(추존), 장조(추존), 영왕(英王)과 각 왕의 비를 합쳐

모두 34위의 신위가 16감실에 모셔져 있다

대부분 추존되거나 단명한 왕들이었는데, 죽어서도 힘의 논리가 적용되는가 싶다.



종묘 정전과 영녕전을 지나오면 창경궁과 연결된 육교가 나왔다.

물론 이 길을 통해서 가면 종묘 입장료로 창경궁까지 바로 볼 수 있었다.


창경궁가는 육교..


내 어릴적에는 창경원이었는데..동물원도 있었고..

그땐 원과 궁 이름 한자가 바꾸는게 무엇을 의미하는지 조차도 몰랐지만,

지금에서야 이곳이 조선왕조의 '궁'이었다는 것이 얼마나 중요한가를 알 것 같다.







성종태실 King Sungjong Taesil


춘당지 Chundangji (two ponds)


대온실(식물원) 앞


창경궁의 정전인 명정전 Myeongjeongjeon (hall)


Changgyeonggung is a palace located in Seoul, South Korea.

 Originally the Summer Palace of the Goryeo Emperor, it later became one of the Five Grand Palaces of the Joseon Dynasty.

The palace was originally built as Suganggung Palace by King Sejong for his father, Taejong,

but in 1483 renovated and enlarged by King Seongjong at which time at which time it received its current name.

During the colonial period, the Japanese built a zoo, botanical garden, and museum on the site.

In 1983 the zoo and botanical garden were removed.


 Today its main points of interest are as follows:

Honghwamun (main Gate) - believed to have been built in 1484 for King Seongjong, burnt in the Japanese invasion of 1592,

 and rebuilt in 1616 during the reign of King Gwanghaegun.
Okcheongyo (bridge) - built in 1483; 9.9m long by 6.6m wide; supported by twin arches.
Myeongjeongjeon (hall) - built in 1484, burnt in the Japanese invasion in 1592, and rebuilt 1616.

 A single-storied hall with hipped-and-gabled roof.
Sungmundang (hall) - built in 1830 for King Sunjo; King Yeongjo used to test university students here.

 A gabled-and-hipped structure with single-winged bracketing.
Haminjeong (pavilion) - Moved to this site in 1633.
Gyeongchunjeon (hall) - built in 1483, destroyed in 1592, rebuilt in 1616, burnt down in 1830 and again rebuilt in 1834.

 King Jeongjo and King Heonjong were born here.
Hwangyeongjeon (hall) - first built in 1484 during the reign of King Seongjong,

 destroyed in 1592, rebuilt in 1616, burnt down in 1830 and again rebuilt in 1834.
Tongmyeongjeon (hall) - first built in 1484, rebuilt most recently in 1834;

 main building in the Yeonjo area where kings and their families lived.
Chundangji (two ponds) - constructed in 1909, with 366-square-meter island and bridge added in 1984.

 The smaller pond is 1,107 square meters and the larger one is 6,483 square meters.


English Contents taken from Wikipedia